2024.08.23 AnnouncementAwarded/Adopted Assis. Prof. Ayaka Ueda receives Nagoya University Okamoto Young Researcher Award!
2024.07.30 AnnouncementAwarded/Adopted Assoc. Prof. Hideto Ito received the Incentive Award in the Society of Silicon Chemistry, Japan (SSCJ)
2024.06.04 AnnouncementEntrance examination Application for the “Information Session on the Graduate School Admission Examination” (for students to be enrolled in the AY2025 )
2024.05.10 AnnouncementAward (Student) [Award] Chaoqi CHEN(D3) and Sora SHIRAI(D3) received the Student Presentation Award 2024 at the 104th CSJ Annual Meeting.
2023.07.13 Announcement Professor Kenichiro Itami (Organic Chemistry Laboratory) was featured on NHK Television!
2023.04.10 Announcement A presentation ceremony was held for the donation of “Laboratory Notebooks” from Neorex (2023).
2022.04.11 Announcement Presentation Ceremony for the “Lab Notebooks” Donated by Neorex Corporation Held Again in 2022